Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Using Photoshop and Quark for my college magazine.

To create my front cover for my college magazine I used Photoshop, I think that I managed to quickly create my magazine front cover as I have worked in Photoshop before and I think that I have some good skills on it whilst using the program.  I already knew how to use all of the tools that I used to create my magazine so I think that I managed to do a good job and make the front cover successful and I then that it looks good , but also would suit the target audience. 

As I already have experience with using Photoshop I think that I managed to successfully pick up how each tool works quite quickly. One problem that I had was trying to find the drop caps tools, but i asked one of my classmates and they showed me how to do it and now I feel as if I can do it confidently on my own. I think that my contents page was successful and it turned out how I wanted it to look.

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