Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Analysis of Top Of The Pops, cover, contents page and double page spread

Front Cover

I think that this design is simple but effective as it dosen' overload the reader with too much information but gives them just enough so that they want to read on.
Contents page

Double Page Spread
Overall I like this double page spread as i think that it suits it's target audience well, one way it odes this is by the coulor scheme as TOTP is aimed at teenage girls a very girly colour scheme has been used when creating the article. This is something I need to think about when creating my own magazine as I need the colours to be liked by my TA this is why in my questionnaire I plan to ask what colours my target audience like the best and I will then be able to use the most liked colours them in my magazine. 
I have also noticed that the interview questions are very informal and let the readers get gossip on the band aswell as talking about there music. When creating my own music magazine I will try to include both questions about what the band have been up to but also get some of the gossip on the band as I think that this is what the readers are looking for an interview as it means that they get to know the band better. 
I don't like how there is only two columns used, when I create my own double page spread I will make 3 0r 4 columns as I think it looks more professional and it also makes the text look more that just a massive block of text.  I think that the right amount of pictures have been used for this article expect I do not like that they have used a picture that looks the same as the main image I think that they should of used a different image and I will make sure that I do this in my article. 

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