Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Codes and Convetions of music magazines

Front cover
-They all have one main image, which is in the middle of the page
-they all have a colour scheme which is mostly 2/3 colours
-Big bold titles, which are bigger than the logo's
-The price and issue are next to the title
-The barcode is at the bottom on the page in either corner
-The page is full with information but not so much that it is too crowded
-The main image used is a studio photograph, with a white background
-The titles of the magazines are covered but as they are that well know we still know what they are
-Competitions to draw in the audience
Strips across the top or bottom
-The main image used are direct mode of address
-The mast head (title) is a unique font to the rest of the magazine and it will never be used on any other part of the magazine except from the title
-Captions/cover lines on both sides of the page
-Bright colours to attract the attention of the buyer
Contents page
-3 or 4 colomns
-The same colour scheme as used on the front cover
-Alot of infomation
-Samll font size- never bigger than 11 expect the title
-Editors note
-Plain backgrounds so that the text is easy to read
-Structred layout
-Web adrees at the bottom of the page
-Issue date
-Direct and indircet mode of address pictures
-The colomns are divided into catergories/headings
-one main story with a picture which is bigger than the rest Sublines, specfic detail

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