Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Publication plan

Title: UPbeat
Target Audience: 13-19 year old girls
Frequency of publication- Monthly
Issue size- 95 pages
Distribution- Supermarkets and Newsagents
Rationle: The approach of the magazine includes both the fans perspective's and the editiors, as the e.g. interviews, reviews and updates will be written by the editior but in a informal way so that a friendly approach is showed to the fans. The fans perspectives with we involed by e.g. letters, celebs in public as the fans get to have there say and put there letters in the magazine making them feel more involed with the magazine and alos so that the other fans get to know what they want to know and not just the editior's opinions.

Style- Informal and relaxed style with short paragraphs. This magazine is for young people so will use slang and simple vocabulary so that it suits the target audience. There will be a balance of both images and text in the articles so that it will not be too overaloaded with infomation, but also so that it suits the target audinece.

Regular content:-Editor's Note
-Updates on new concerts, gigs and different bands
-Tune of the month- lets the reader get involved in saying what they think the 'tune of the month' is and the results will be revealed in the next issue 
-'Seen in public' images of celebs who have been spotted by readers of the magazine and there picture included 
-Top 100 fashion buys and tips
- Fans say- letters from fans of the magazine can write in and have thier letter in the magazine, also there is a wite up form the editor thanking them for writing in.
-Quizzes, so that the reader has a cahnce to have fun but also to try and win prizes.

Feature Content:-Competions- Win signed stuff and gig tickets from different artists 

-Interview with JUiCE
-A day with Parade
-Interview with boyband the Wanted
-Tips on singing 
-Review of a Mcfly's gig
-Music at Children In Need
-On tour with One Direction
-Parade signing
-Rhianna tells all
-Free posters from All Time Low,  Katy Perry and more
-See new unsigned bands and artists!
-Will you grade top of the charts?
-Mcfly’s new songs   reviewed!
-Subscribe now for the perfect start to 2012!

House style:
Coverlines: Britannic Bold

Headlines:  Cooper Balck
Standfirst:Bold Cambri body
Captions: Arial rounded MT bold
Features first paragraph: Bell MT bold
Body text: Bell MT
Colour scheme: Blue, Purple and Black


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