Wednesday, 18 April 2012


Today we looked at what is needed to be included in a double page spread. We also looked through a couple of examples of double page spreads as some idea of what ours could look like. The purpose of doing this was so that I would be abvle to see the different codes and convetions of a double page spread and I would be able to use this in my own work.
Today I started to make my intial ideas for my music magazine. I did this by thinking of what genre and target audience I would like to aim my magazine at and I then though of what sort of magazines they would like. The reason for me doing this was so that I had a rough I dea of what magazine I  wanted to make and therefore would be able to begin anyalsing music magazines of that genre.
Today we started to analyse front covers, contents pages and double page spreads of magazines which were aimed at the same genre and target audience as my magazine plan, this was so that I could get an idea of the codes and convetions of a POP music magazines, but also I would be able to look at these existing magazine for some inspiration for my own work.  Also I started to create my questionnaire which will be used for me to decide on my final magazine, the purpose of this questionarrrie was to ask my target audienc for my magazines questions like 'How much they would be willing to spend on a magzine?' and thier fav colours, these questions would help me when deciding on some of the most imporant things of my magazine like colour scheme and genre.
I finished off my analysis's at home, I did this my using power point to make points from the covers, contents pages and double page spreads. This was so that I would be abe to see what I like and dislike about the magazines and then use this as inpiration to create my ow magazine.
Today I finished off my questionnaire and then went around college and asked people to fill it in. With these results I will now make a document showing my results and the purpose of this is too help me choose some of the final ideas for my magazine.
Today I started to analyse the results of my questionnaire, I did this by creating bar charts/pie's of the results. I then wrote a small paragraph on the results and what this would mean to my magazine. The purpose of this was so that I would be able to compare answers and see which was the most and least popular in order to help me to make descisions about my magazine so that it suits my target audience
Today I finished anaylsying the results from my questionnaire, I then picked two questions off my questionnaire and filmed two different people answering one of them. The purpose of me filiming two people answering questions was so that the answers may be more detailed, as if they did not get any part of the question I would be able to explain and they would be able to elabarte on thier answers.
Today 1 started to plan my magazine, and how I wanted it to look, what images I want to include and also what features and regulars there will be in my magazine. I have decided that it will be a girl model on the front of my cover so the target audience can relate to it.
Today I started to work on my contents page, for this I made sure that it fitted in with the same theme as used on my front cover, the reason for this was so that they fit together.  I also came up with the stories that were going to be in the magazine and what pictures I needed to take to be put in the magazine.
Today I designed my double page spread for my magazine, this involved deciding on what images, the title and fist line of the article. I also have now decided on making a section on the double page spread which I will interview fans of the band and what they thought of there gig. Doing a rough plan of my double page spread which I plan to make would mean that it would become easyier and quicker for me to create my double page spread when I start to work in Quark.
Today I arranged to have a Photoshop with Abbie who is going to be the model for my front cover, I think that today went successfully as I managed to get the shots which I needed for my front cover and I will now be able to start editing them and to start on my front cover.
Today I stared to create my front cover, for this I edited  my choosen photo and cretaed my logo. The reson for me editing my photo was so that the photo would suit my genre better. I choose the colour purple as my logo as it is one of the colopurs in my colour scheme and I think it suits my target audince.
Today I contined on working on my front cover, I added some of the storys and also made a decision that the main image was not right so I looked throught the rest of the pictutres and choose a new one to use.
Today I contined editing my front cover but also edited the new image which I want on my front cover,. Thepurpose for me changing it is that The front cover image that I was currently using didn't look right.
Today I contined editing my front cover.
Today I finished my front cover design an I started to work on my contents page. For my contents page I am using the same colour scheme as the front cover so that they fit together perfectly. Another reason for this is so that you can tell that they are from the same magazine, as they follow the same theme.
Today I started to create my double page spread I also as well as working on this in the lesson used my frees to work on the article more.
Today I continued to edit my double page spread, adding a background colour and images to make it look more professional.
Today I continued the editing of my double page spread.
Today I continued editing my double page spread
Today I went through all of my work so far and made small adjustments to each to try and get it to look perfect. I decided to change the title on my contents page so that it looked better and fitted the genre of my  magazine better.
Today I did the same thing as yesturday, looking through my work and mkaing small edits to it all.
Today I carried on to make small edits of my work to try and get it to look it's best.
Today I printed of my work and gave it in to be looked at so that I would be able to get feed back on what was good about my magazine but also what needed changing.
Today I got feedback and then started to make the adjustments to my magazine such as my double page spread title ect.
I continued to make the changes to my magazine and then printed off my finished copies of each page so that they could then be looked at again.
I continued to make the final changes to my magazine.
Today I spoke to my teacher about my final pieces and made a couple of slight changes, she then told me that I was finished. This meant that next lessosn I would then be able to start working on my evaluation.
I spoke to my teacher about the evaluation which I would now start doing, I then made my questionnairre for the first question. I finished the whole evaluation.

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